Improve business performance by investing in IT for Quality Assurance.
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In our previous blog we discussed the added value IT in the wire & cable industry for Product Engineering and Quoting, for Sales and Invoicing, Planning and Quality Assurance. We will now explore how to improve business performance by investing in IT for Warehousing and Logistics.
In Warehousing and Logistics it’s about getting the finished products at the customer at the agreed delivery time, while keeping the inventory at the lowest level possible.
Just like the rest of the world, operations in the wire & cable industry become more information-intensive, and this information becomes more volatile. Potential customers look for vendors which are easy to do business with. It means that the strategic role of Information Technology will continue to increase. It also means that the IT strategy of businesses in this industry has a big impact on company performance.
For wire & cable companies there are many opportunities to use IT as a sustainable competitive advantage. To achieve this, it is recommended to implement an IT strategy that leads the company to an industry-specific, modern, and fully-integrated IT platform that addresses their industry-specific needs now and in the future.
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